Online Training

Self-paced, interactive, and reflective. 

The one-year license provides you with access to eight (8) hours of online training, powered by Niche Academy, to start the work of dismantling racism at all levels within your library, non-profit, or congregation.

Through the training, participants gain an understanding of the historical roots, individual manifestations, and internal dynamics of institutional racism. By developing a shared vocabulary, analysis, and road map, your team will be better equipped for the work ahead.

Offering a two-week free trail!

30 Video Segments, 32 response exercises, 8 assessments, and 10+ hours of supplemental resources. All videos are close captioned.

Your own institution-specific training environment.

The one-year license includes:

Ability to invite your staff or congregants to go through the training at their own pace.

Ability to track participant progress.

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The short segments offer flexibility and high engagement. The self-paced modules take up to 8 hours to complete depending on level of user engagement with reflective material.